"Robot" Small Town Develops the Ecological Chain of the Whole Industrial Chain and Creates a New Highland of the Smart Industry

"Intelligent Manufacturing" will be one of the focuses of the future. New technologies such as robots and artificial intelligence will speed up the integration with the real economy and spark more industry sparks with innovative platforms such as featured towns.

Of the two batches of 79 provincial-level featured towns and the 51 provincial-level townships that are currently announced in Zhejiang, the robot town in Xiaoshan Economic and Technological Development Zone is the only one directly named after the “robot”. In the town, it must pick up the banner of the province's integration of smart manufacturing and robot development.

Therefore, its planning and construction all revolve around the “robots,” creating the ecological chain of the entire industrial chain, building a robotic ecosystem, and creating new heights for the smart industry.

01 The first robot professional exhibition center in the province has both ABB and "second classroom"

Today, the first robot town exhibition center in the province officially opened. This robot display center resembling "cocoon" is located on the north side of the economic belt of the urban avenue of Xiaoshan Airport and has become a landmark building of Xiaoshan Robot Town.

It is divided into two levels. The first floor will showcase the latest developments and technologies of the robots, and will regularly hold town enterprise products and technical achievement announcements, and regular robot exhibitions will be held. The entire exhibition hall is also full of strong “robot industry style”. The robot Pepper is responsible for explaining and welcoming guests. Visitors can also play chess with robots, watch robot performances with classic local cultural repertoire, and so on.

As an innovative platform to showcase the development of the province's robotics industry, the exhibition center has introduced a full set of models from the German-Italian digital factory, followed by Siemens' digital factory model.

The second floor is mainly responsible for robot training, education and other service functions. In the future, it will also become the "second class" for Hangzhou students to carry out robotics related science education.

Xiaoshan Robot Town has a total planning area of ​​3.33 square kilometers and is located in the Qiaonan block of the Xiaoshan Economic and Technological Development Zone. It has planned the “One Heart, Two Parks and Three Zones” and strengthened functions such as R&D, incubation, promotion and application of the town, and thus promoted the robot industry. The overall development. Of course, the robot town pays more attention to the interaction between the city and the industry, and adds ecological civilization and urban civilization to each other, playing the role of “functional + ecological”, “technology + environment”, and “transport + waterfront” in the emerging urban plate area to promote the transformation of Xiaoshan. Upgrades and changes.

In June of this year, the two major projects of the robot town industrial complex and life service complex were approved by the Xiaoshan District Development and Reform Bureau and formally entered the construction phase. Among them, the total supporting building area of ​​the robot industry complex is approximately 72,000 square meters, including scientific research offices, public space, conference centers, and commercial facilities. The total investment is 310 million yuan, which will further improve the basic social construction and public service facilities in the town. Accelerate the development, production and application of robots. The total construction area of ​​the robot town life service complex is approximately 70,000 square meters, including talented apartments, community health service centers, kindergartens, and neighborhood centers. The total investment is expected to be nearly 300 million yuan. The total construction area of ​​Hung Hom School, which consists of 36 classes for nine years, is about 38,000 square meters. The main structure has been completed and the students are officially enrolled in the fall of 2018.

The robotic town under construction will also build “six centers” in the future, including industrial centers, exhibition and exchange centers, event centers, science and technology tourism and leisure centers, research and education training centers, and cultural and creative centers. It plans to invest 5 billion yuan in three years. , To become a landmark town in Zhejiang Province, becoming a new engine for the transformation and upgrading of Xiaoshan Development Zone and a new business card for Xiaoshan City.

02 The emergence of new "operator + robot"

Artificial intelligence begins with the robot picking tomatoes. On December 7th, at the “New Technology Application Forum in the Age of Artificial Intelligence Manufacturing” held in the Xiaoshan Economic and Technological Development Zone, SQUSE Co., Ltd. Chairman Shimizu Shif said, “Let the robot race be human.

Do not underestimate the robot picking tomatoes technology, here focused on a number of core robotics technologies, including visual intellisense technology, automatic detection, automatic cutting and so on. It can automatically detect ripe tomatoes and accurately position their shape and position. Without breaking the tomato, it pulls the tip of the tomato at a rate of one every 20 seconds.

On December 7, Mobangfu, who once served as “economic consultant” of the Xiaoshan Economic and Technological Development Zone, returned to the development zone. This time, he led a group of Japanese robots as the “Vice President of the Shanghai Overseas Friendship Association China-Japan Branch.” The leader of the field went into Xiaoshan Robot Town and held a “New Technology Application Forum in the Age of Artificial Intelligence Manufacturing” in the development zone. More than 200 representatives from the field of artificial intelligence and robotics in both China and Japan held fierce discussions on how to realize the integration of artificial intelligence and the real economy of big data, and sought for a new round of opportunities for development and cooperation.

It can be said that the tomato picking robot is an application representative of "robot + agriculture". As a provincial-level featured township training object, Xiaoshan Robot Town built the town for more than two years and has been centered on the “robot+” dominant model. It has become one of the main battlefields for the transformation and innovation of Xiaoshan Development Zone, with a large number of robots and labor. With the influx of highly-skilled personnel in the intelligent field, new models and new formats such as robot + agriculture, robot + logistics, robot + health, robot + government affairs, robotics + special fields (marine survey, etc.) will continue to emerge.

Hangzhou Guochen Robotics Technology Co., Ltd. established the Zhejiang Institute of Intelligent Robots in the robotic town. Recently, they launched Smart Products, a robotic + health smart product. Guo Chen, general manager of Guo Chen, said: "After the orders were received in October, we already have more than 80 million orders in hand."

This health robot has a number of monitoring services such as infrared thermometer, smart ECG monitor, blood glucose meter, intelligent urine tester, electronic sphygmomanometer, and pulse oxygen monitoring. However, if you want to use “healthy housekeeper”, you can “sweep” the login account, and the detected physical data will be analyzed intelligently by the robot. At the same time this robot also through its cloud data platform, signed a number of offline doctors. After the robot gives a preliminary diagnosis, it also advises the user to contact the contract doctor. Of course, throughout the entire process, users can also communicate with “healthy stewards” through smart language. It can be said that the “healthy steward” launched by Guochen is an exploration of the reform of the current domestic classification and treatment system. The new business form “robot+health” has really entered the fields of slow management, family intelligent doctors and other fields.

With the deep integration of artificial intelligence and the real economy, especially in the manufacturing field, "robot + artificial intelligence" has become the latest option. At present, leading global artificial intelligence companies such as HKUST, Smart, etc., have entered the Xiaoshan Economic and Technological Development Zone. They will create new sparks with the local robots, making the Xiaoshan Development Zone an artificial artificial intelligence technology incubator and application in Hangzhou. , an innovative platform for industrial development.

“The eye of the machine will help you.” This is the slogan for the development of the Ded Ze robot that settled in Xiaoshan Economic and Technological Development Zone this year. The "eyes of the eye" is based on visual sensor technology, artificial intelligence algorithms, etc., allowing robots to have the intelligence ability to sense the world, and will be widely used in the field of intelligent manufacturing.

The continuous deduction of "robot +" in the robotic town will also form a robotic ecosystem with strong competitiveness and sustainable development.

03 Build first-class robotic industry innovation and development demonstration area and robot application demonstration base

Why is the trial of the robot town in the province located in Xiaoshan?

Some people say that Xiaoshan has strong manufacturing genes. Zhejiang's manufacturing industry, represented by Xiaoshan, spent the “Golden Ten Years” from 1998 to 2008. Since then, it has stood at the “crossroads” of development and has begun to seek “Nirvana of the Phoenix”. The recipe for The promotion and application of robotics, especially robots based on artificial intelligence technology, has become a "decoder" for Zhejiang's manufacturing revolution. Therefore, the transformation and upgrading of Zhejiang's manufacturing industry is in urgent need of large-scale application of the robot industry. Xiaoshan, with its two major resource advantages in the manufacturing industry and application market, has become the “only choice”.

In order for a robot to really exert its industrial effect, it needs scale as its basis. As the head of the Deze robot said, "Single robots can't do much. It's necessary to form a robot group." Among them, the innovation of R&D behind the "Robot +" is the industry's consensus.

Since this year, the gathering pace of the Xiaoshan robotic town in this area has also accelerated. In July, Guochen Talent Base settled in. It will use the market-oriented evaluation standard for three years to introduce a group of “National Thousand” and “Provincial One Thousand” high-end robotic innovation talents for the development zone. In November, Xinsong teamed up with Si Rui Robots to set up the China (Hangzhou) Robotics and Smart Equipment Innovation Center in Xiaoshan Development Zone. It will focus on the goal of “helping companies achieve digital factories” and focus on creating a “crowdsourcing platform for smart technology”. And "solutions show promotion platform", and gradually expanded to big data cloud services, transfer of scientific and technological achievements, financial services and other fields. Next, the Xiaoshan Development Zone will also work with Siemens to build the Siemens Intelligent Manufacturing (Hangzhou) Innovation Center, which will focus on the key application technologies for manufacturing digital software, promote the innovation and diffusion of intelligent manufacturing technologies, and integrate the transformation of resource service manufacturing companies. Xiaoshan’s leading and service-oriented platform for smart manufacturing.

With the acceleration of the “China Artificial Intelligence Valley”, Xiaoshan Development Zone will also focus on the integration of artificial intelligence robots and manufacturing. For example, the innovative platforms such as HKUST's dual-innovation platform and the Zhejiang University Informatics Artificial Intelligence Research Center will actively enter the local robotics industry and open up a new era of “robot + artificial intelligence”.

At present, Zhejiang Zhejiang Intelligent Robot Research Institute, Shanghai Jiaotong University Hangzhou Huigu Science and Technology Park, China Open Robotics, Deze Robotics, Yaskawa Electric East China Research Institute, ABB Intelligent Systems Research Center Zhejiang Branch and other leading companies have taken root in robotic towns. Take Zhejiang Institute of Intelligent Robots as an example, it will strive to build a 10 billion-level robotic industrial park in Xiaoshan Development Zone through 5 years of development, incubate 100 robotic industrial chain companies, and build a national robotic product quality supervision and inspection center. It has introduced one "national thousand", one "province thousand" and fifteen doctors.

The "application of robots" has become the development criterion for Xiaoshan Development Zone to grasp the solid economy and lay a solid foundation for development. German-Italian Electric put into use a smart factory built according to the Industry 4.0 standard to increase its production efficiency by more than 30%. The company introduced a personalized custom model, tested the water "new manufacturing", and successfully logged in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange after Zhao Feng mechanical and electrical strengthening "Machine Substitution", they already constitute the collective belief of the development zone to create a first-class robot application demonstration base.

Xiaoshan Development Zone has also placed more funds and policies in the field of robotics and set up a smart manufacturing industry fund with a total size of 5 billion yuan. It specializes in investing in R&D and production of robot-related products, and guides the promotion of domestic and foreign social capital to the robot industry. Innovative technology products increase investment, accelerate the development, production and application of robots and build a robotic ecosystem.

As Kong Aoxiang, Chairman of Zhaofeng Electrical Co., Ltd. stated at the bell-calling ceremony, “The development of Zhaofeng is to race with the tide and seize the tidal fish.” Similarly, for the Xiaoshan real economy represented by the manufacturing industry, It is even more necessary to grab the robotic "fish" and this is also the way to transform and upgrade Xiaoshan's real economy.

Source: Hangzhou Daily

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