The MAX7219 is a serial input/output common-cathode digital tube display driver chip from MAXIM. A MAX7219 can drive eight 7-segment (including 8 decimal points) digital LEDs, LED line-line displays, or 64 discrete LEDs. Secondary tube. The chip's 10-wire serial interface with 10MHz transfer rate can be connected to any microprocessor, and only one external resistor can set the segment current of all LEDs. Its operation is very simple, the MCU can write the relevant instructions to the MAX7219's internal instruction and data registers by simply simulating the SPI three-wire interface. It also allows the user to select multiple decoding modes and decoding bits. In addition, it supports multiple 7219 series, so that the MCU can control more digital tube display through 3 lines (serial data line, serial clock line and chip strobe line).
2, MAX7219 function introduction1. Multiple decoding modes and decoding bits
2. Support multiple pieces of 7219 series
3. Support brightness adjustment
4. Support scanning range
3. External pin diagram of MAX7219DIN: serial data input
DOUT: serial data output for cascading expansion
LOAD: load data input
CLK: serial clock input
DIG0~DIG7: 8-bit LED bit selection line, sinking current from common cathode LED
SEGA~SEGGDP7 segment drive and decimal point drive
ISET: Connect a segment current with a 10k resistor connected to Vcc
4, typical circuitHot Melt Type Fiber Optic Fast Connector
Hot Melt Type Fiber Optic Fast Connector,Afl Fast Connect Lc,Fast Connector Fiber
Ningbo Fengwei Communication Technology Co., Ltd ,