The substation is "no one", how to ensure that users use electricity normally?

"Nobody" era?

On June 6th, a Vanung Vanguard convenience store in Hangzhou and a full-time convenience store in Beijing “switched” into an unmanned mode. After the customer bought the goods, they self-checkout, whether to pay and how much to pay. up to you. Even if the customer leaves without checking out, no staff will block it.

However, just a day later, the two convenience stores restored the old model. Although this is regrettable, the good things that benefit the people and the people can always be realized in real life. Perhaps you haven't heard of it. With the development of network technology, sensor technology, and information technology, the field of electricity that is closely related to people's daily lives has quietly entered the era of "no one".

At present, smart substations of various voltage levels have been put into operation in China, and the completion and commissioning of intelligent substations have greatly improved the level of equipment intelligence and equipment operation reliability, realized the automation of substation unattended operation and equipment operation, and improved resource utilization and production. Manage efficiency to make operations more economical, energy efficient and environmentally friendly.

SCD file

Substation "no one", reliable transmission and transmission, power distribution, etc., how to ensure the normal use of electricity for millions of users? In this process, a configuration file is inseparable.

This file is called the SCD (SubstaTIon ConfiguraTIon DescripTIon) file, which is the full station system configuration file. This file is unique to the entire station and is a file produced by using the SCL language to describe the substation device object model for exchanging configuration information between configuration tools of different manufacturers. Through the transmission of a series of configuration files, the intelligent devices of different manufacturers can know the data information required for communication with the other party, thereby realizing the exchange of configuration information between the two parties. Briefly, the SCD file describes the substation structure shown in Figure 1, that is, the instance configuration and communication parameter information of all IEDs (Intelligent Electronic Devices) in the whole station, the contact information between the IEDs, and the primary system structure of the substation.

Therefore, the SCD file is the basis for the realization of the function of the digital substation system based on the IEC61850 standard.

Figure 1 Digital substation structure

The complete SCD file consists of five parts, namely

as shown in picture 2. The part contains the version information and revision information of the configuration file, the file writing tool identifier and the name mapping information; the part includes the functional structure of the substation, the main components and electrical connections, and the corresponding function nodes;

Partially defines the relevant communication information of the IED access point in the communication subnet, including the network address of the device and the physical addresses of each layer;

Partially describes the configuration of the IED, including logical devices, logical nodes, data objects, data attribute instances, and communication service capabilities (such as MMS services, GOOSE services, sampled value SV services, etc.);

Part of it is a data type template that can be instantiated.

Figure 2 General structure of the SCD file

DT6000 series SCL tools

In the project implementation, the configuration file exchanges configuration information between configuration tools of different manufacturers, and undergoes multiple processes such as unified configuration by the system integrator, device manufacturer export, and download to the device. Due to various human factors, various errors may occur, and the configuration file has a complicated syntax and a large amount of information, so it is easy to have a series of legality and normative problems.

In order to facilitate the reading and analysis of SCD files and the testing of IED, Zhou Ligong Zhiyuan Electronics' DT6000 series provides a variety of SCL file tools.

SCL analysis

The "SCL Analysis" function can analyze the SV and GOOSE transmission and reception configurations of each IED in the SCL file, select an IED, graphically display the connection relationship between the IEDs, and view the control blocks sent and received by the SV and GOOSE in the IED. Detailed configuration (including control block basic parameters, channel list, and information about each channel and other IED virtual terminal connections), as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 graphical display of IED connections

IED match

"IED Speed ​​Matching" is a wizard that can quickly complete the SV and GOOSE send and receive configurations of the DT6000 series tester according to the IED communication configuration in the SCL file. As shown in FIG. 4, one of the IEDs in the SCL file can be selected to quickly complete different configurations according to the requirements of the test or analog IED.

Figure 4 IED Quick Configuration Wizard

SCL comparison

As shown in Figure 5, the "SCL Contrast" function can analyze the difference between two SCD files, and display the difference between the statistical SCD in a tree-like list: IED difference, control block parameter difference, channel definition difference, and virtual terminal mapping difference. Wait for the user to know the SCD configuration update in time.

Figure 5 SCL file comparison

Dot Matrix LED Display

Wuxi Ark Technology Electronic Co.,Ltd. ,

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