Research on Virtual Prototype System of Industrial Robot

The research and development of robot virtual prototype is carried out, and the virtual prototype technology is applied to the field of robot simulation research. On the one hand, it expands the research and application scope of virtual prototyping technology, and at the same time, the design and analysis of robot products in the virtual environment is also the development direction of digital design and manufacturing in the future. By applying virtual prototyping technology in robot simulation research, designers can be freed from the cumbersome calculation process, and they can focus on the analysis and optimization process of the virtual prototype system, effectively perform system evaluation, and provide optimized design before actual production. product.

The technology integrates product information into a visual virtual environment provided by a computer through a technology such as CA D/CA M/CA E on a computer. The virtual prototype (VimudPrototyp is referred to as an emerging technology in the current design and manufacturing field of VP. The product is realized before the actual product is manufactured. Simulation, analysis and optimization process. Robot simulation is an important part of robot research, which can be applied to robot kinematics, dynamics analysis, trajectory and path planning, interaction between robot and working environment, offline programming, etc. With the development of advanced manufacturing technologies such as virtual manufacturing and digital manufacturing, robot simulation has become an important part of the entire digital design, verification and manufacturing environment around the product life cycle. Research and development of robot virtual prototype systems can be accomplished in virtual environments. Research work provides new tools for the development of robotics and advanced manufacturing technologies.

Research and development of virtual prototype systems for industrial robots. Firstly, the virtual prototyping technology is analyzed and its key technologies are analyzed. The virtual prototyping technology is applied to the industrial robot simulation research process. Then the composition of the industrial robot virtual prototype system and the research content of the prototype system in the robot simulation research are described. Summarizing this technology mainly solves the following two problems, namely, system integration in robot simulation research and providing the underlying digital environment for the robot-based production line virtual design and verification environment.

2 Virtual Prototyping Technology

Comprehensive application technology based on advanced modeling technology, multi-domain simulation technology, information management technology, interactive user interface technology and virtual reality technology. The 1P technology can complete the analysis of the whole system in the initial stage of the design-concept design phase. The virtual prototype technology involves the multi-body system kinematics and dynamics modeling theory and its technical realization. Observe and experiment with the mutual motion of the various components. Through the system simulation software to simulate the movement of the system in the corresponding virtual environment, the computer can easily modify the design defects, simulate different design schemes, and improve the system from time to time until the optimal design is obtained. Physical prototype.

That is, key parameters can be determined during the design period, and the design method of the virtual prototype reflects the concept and idea of ​​concurrent engineering. The development direction of advanced manufacturing technology in the future. There are many advantages compared to aggressive methods. Update the product development process to shorten development cycles, reduce interest and improve product quality. Key technologies for virtual prototyping include the following:

1 System integration

The virtual prototyping environment needs to be transformed between different systems, and the virtual prototyping solution involves multiple technologies. Its integration includes the following:

Establish a three-dimensional model of the mechanical system in the CA D environment and perform a simple motion performance analysis;

And the virtual prototype analysis system is imported and converted from the geometric model to the geometric model in the CA D system. Perform kinematics and dynamics analysis;

The latter analysis results are transmitted back to the virtual prototype virtual prototype to transfer the load to the finite element analysis software. ;

The specification of the production line model and its control system is integrated with the virtual prototype.

2 system parameterization

The virtual prototype system can be tested repeatedly under the premise of multiple simulation parameters to establish a parameterized virtual prototype system. The simulation output results under various conditions are compared and analyzed, which lays a foundation for further optimization of the system.

3 system optimization

Provide optimized system parameters and design results. The virtual prototyping solution selects the solution that the designer needs under the premise of multi-parameter and virtual verification of the system.

4 system visualization and interactivity

The operator has a high sense of indulgence. Due to its visual advantages, the system provides a good model display environment. During the design process, the designer can interactively explore the functions of the virtual mechanical system, simulate the real environment to repeatedly debug the virtual prototype, and fully integrate his own experience and ability into the design process of the virtual prototype of the computer.

3 industrial robot virtual prototype

3.1 Robot Digital Virtual Prototype System

For the kinematics and dynamics analysis in the robot design and manufacturing process, the robot virtual prototype system combines robot research with virtual prototyping technology. The trajectory and path planning, the interaction between the robot and the working environment and other technical content are researched and systematically developed, and the design, analysis and virtual production process of the robot are completed in the virtual environment. The specific structure of the system is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Robot virtual prototype system

3.2 The function and technical characteristics of the robot virtual prototype system

Its main functions are as follows: The core function of the robot virtual prototype system is to provide a virtual environment for robot design and development on a computer.

1 Robot virtual prototype system visualization

And CA D geometric modeling is the core. The robot virtual prototype visualization environment has the following characteristics: Establishing a visualization environment is the basic work of the virtual prototype system.

The operator can intuitively and efficiently design and develop the robot on this basis, and realize the visualization environment of the robot manipulator on the computer. A good environment allows the operator to easily integrate his or her experience and knowledge into the system at any time;

The virtual prototype system further works to extract geometric data from the CA D model. Use in motion analysis and dynamics simulation;

The robot CA D model differs in structure. The conceptual design phase of the initial prototype, the different stages of virtual prototype development. The CAD geometry model of the robot may be rough, only to meet the current design needs, some detailed geometric structures may not need to be modeled; in the detailed design stage, the prototype is repeatedly verified and perfected, and the optimized geometry data can be obtained for the prototype. Detailed geometric modeling results in robot simulation results for the entire virtual prototype.

2 robot work process pre-demonstration

Including the geometry and parameters of each part, the number of joints, the type and other factors, according to the robot operating machine body. The motion analysis of the robot is realized by the forward and reverse solution of the motion equation. At the same time, in the process of motion analysis, the motion space analysis, work trajectory planning, collision and interference check can be realized.

3 Dynamic analysis of robot virtual prototype

For example, physical factors such as the type of machine material, mass, moment of inertia, joint friction, etc., by adding physical information to the virtual prototype system. Perform a kinetic analysis. In the process of dynamic analysis, the actual working condition of the robot manipulator can be simulated to preload the virtual prototype or apply gravity, so as to analyze the force of each part of the prototype under various working conditions, study the key links and optimize the system structure.

4 robot control system simulation

The control system is tested and the robot virtual prototype provides a control system simulation environment. In this respect, the virtual prototype has obvious advantages over the physical prototype. Various control methods can be directly applied to the physical prototype, which is efficient and time-saving, and there is no need to worry about the damage of the prototype caused by the wrong control method.

The robot virtual prototype system has the following technical features:

The simulation and analysis results between the parts are utilized in a timely and efficient manner. 1 The integrated system for providing robot simulation research and the digital robot design and verification environment robot virtual prototype system provide motion process including digital modeling and visualization. Unified data platform for kinematics analysis and control system simulation. Provide a digital research environment.

The robot virtual prototype system can effectively dissolve the upper-level digital processing manufacturing environment, and 2 constitute the organic component of the digital virtual manufacturing environment. The local industrial robot is the basic working unit in the manufacturing system. It satisfies the production line simulation and digital factory requirements of the upper layer of the robot working unit in the virtual manufacturing environment, and forms the basis and organic component of the digital robot production line.

3.3 The technical means of robot virtual prototype system implementation

3.3.1 Using a high level of geometric modeling tools

Commercial 3D modeling software such as Pro/EUG and SolidWod can run smoothly on the PC platform, with the development of software technology. There is no need for a professional graphics workstation. These softwares can establish a high-fidelity machine virtual prototype geometry model, and at the same time have a variety of geometric data conversion formats such as IGESSTEPParasolid to provide the geometric data needed in the robot virtual prototype design and testing process, suitable robot virtual prototype geometric modeling development tool.

3.3.2 Development tools for robot virtual prototype system

One is to use a common software development tool, and the development tools of the robot virtual prototype system are mainly divided into two categories. The other is a professional virtual prototype or robot development software. The former is more commonly used in C++, such as The robot virtual prototype system developed by the general software is characterized by strong software targeting and solving the designer's specific problems. However, it takes a lot of time and effort to establish the detailed and correct models necessary for the kinematics and dynamics research of the prototype, and the developed system has poor flexibility and is difficult to adjust.

The system provides simulation functions in kinematics, dynamics, etc. AdamEnvision is a commercial virtual prototype development tool...1 software can build a simple geometric model or introduce a robot geometry model from an external CA D software. Establish a robot virtual prototype design and optimization environment, and have a complete data processing capability for simulation results. The software frees the designer from the cumbersome dynamic modeling process of the robot and puts more effort into the virtual design and verification process of the prototype.

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