This refrigerator is very "obedient"! Panasonic promotes self-moving refrigerator

Although laziness is not a good thing, sometimes it is often because we are lazy to invent new products. For example, people do not want to climb the stairs and invent the elevator. They do not want to write complicated programs and invent Windows every time. At this year's IFA, Panasonic showcased a new product called "Mobile Refrigerator." As the name suggests, this is a refrigerator that can be moved. Its greatest feature is that it can be activated by voice commands. This means that when we call its name, it will respond to various commands. It can not only freeze foods and drinks, but also provide you with dietary advice. Of course, this kind of refrigerator is still only a concept product, so it will not be mass-produced soon and it will not come to us soon. But this does look very cool, and from the outside it looks like it uses a relatively compact design, suitable for those small apartment rooms. Considering that more and more home appliances and smart home products are becoming smarter now, if one day such a refrigerator really comes to us, we don't need to be particularly surprised.

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